Show Me The Money
Do the following phrases sound familiar to you?
“Check development rights for us (at no cost), and you will get the project if it starts.”
“We are in good contact with one of the owners of the lot. You will analyze the various planning options (for free) to facilitate our progression.”
“We’ve decided to meet with multiple architects. Please prepare materials for the meeting including concepts, plans, and renders (cost-free), to help us choose the most suitable architect for the project’s design.”
“My partners and I only need a preliminary sketch for an investor presentation so that we can raise money for the project.”
I also felt like getting rich (and for free!) I went down to the lottery booth next to the office and explained to the nice man inside: “I will come every week to fill out a lottery ticket for free, and when I win and become a multi-millionaire I will pay back for all the tickets I sent, down to the last shekel.” I don’t know why, but he roughly closed the booth window on my finger.
Do not work for free! This is a widespread disease in the market, affecting businesses of all sizes. Architects possess a wealth of power and knowledge that clients require, especially in the initial phases of the project, for closing deals and understanding planning and financial programming.
The two most crucial documents that architects prepare for developers are the Building Code Review and Submission. Charge according to working hours, and price the Building Code Review at several thousand shekels. Perhaps our little neighborhood will change for the better as well.